如果有到2015Computex 的朋友,ㄧ定最好奇的是,为什么在会展遍寻不著Kingston 的纵迹呢?今年国电展Kingston 反其道而行,将展位设在展区外的ATT 4 Fun ,希望不只是跟国内外厂家交流,而是希望跟民众有更良好的互动,在现场除了展出Kin­gston 的Hyper X 电竞系列产品之外,还有DataTraveler microDuo 3C 迷你两用U盘,具有 USB Type-A 及 USB Type-C 双重端口。

而且DataTraveler microDuo 3C 具有轻便好携带的特色,提供最高 64GB 的储存空间,也适用于现有的 USB 装置,可随插即用并符合 USB 3.1 标准规范,提供高达 100MB 和 15MB 的读写速度。

在Conputex 期间至Kingston 金士顿摊位玩闯关游戏过关的朋友,还可以获得限量福袋,活动直到6/7 星期天,每天都有精彩的舞台活动,想要体验商品、拿赠品的朋友千万要把握机会喔!

2015 Computex – Where’s The Kingston Booth?

Kingston decided to place their booth outside among the people for Computex this year, setting up at the ATT 4 Fun plaza instead of inside the exhibition halls. Their goal is to interact with more consumers on top of manufacturers and businesses.

The Kingston booth features the newest products under the HyperX gaming line, and highlights the newly unveiled DataTraveler microDuo 3C – their first USB 3.1 flashdrive – compatible with both USB Type-C as well as USB Type-A.

The DataTraveler microDuo 3C will come in 16, 32, and 64GB sizes featuring a maximum read speed of 100 MB/s and write speed of 15 MB/s.